Monday, January 14, 2013

Monday, January 14, 2013
Physical Science A
Quick Quiz, let's see who is staying up on studying!

    1.  What is friction and how does it affect the motion on an object?

    2.  Explain an give examples of Newton's 1st and 2nd Laws.

    1.  List and describe the typical force that you experience and interact with on a daily basis.

    2.  Draw vector diagrams (arrows with magnitudes) that Identifies the magnitude and direction of     everyday forces (e.g., wind, tension in ropes, pushes and pulls, weight).

    3.  Describe the different types of friction and how they affect the motion of an object.

Check and go over the homework(newton's second law of motion).  Use the whiteboards. 

Continue discussing Newton's Second Law

Lab: Newton's 2nd Law

HW: Finish the lab questions.

Physical Science B

No Bellwork Today

Please take out your laptops.  Open up examview.  Log in and be ready for the password.

When you have finished the test.  Please go to my blog and download the spread sheet for the home energy audit.  Fill in your numbers.

Go to the website.  Scroll Down to the bottom of the page and you will see a heading called attachments, open the spreadsheet attachment and save. 

Once you have all the information put in, print the spreadsheet down to the library.  Be sure to put your name on top before you print.  Then please answer the question on the back of the first page.  Secondly, answer the first question on the "what if" part of the packet.  I will collect you questions, your hand written spreadsheet, and your final printed spreadsheet. 

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